When this year began I don’t think that anyone foresaw the circumstances that we are experiencing coming like they’re happening. Some of us foresaw some things, but nothing like what you see happening throughout the nation and the world today. Nobody foresaw the entire nation shutting down. Who imagined the entire world shutting down with… Read More »
This is Your Year of Birthing!
Beloved Brothers & Sisters, Let me encourage you today! Looking back at the end of last year everyone was excited about the New Year and were in great anticipation of all that was promised to happen for them personally, for their families, ministries, business, finances, etc. 2020 was projected to be the greatest year yet.… Read More »
Sanctification by Dr. Stanley Williams
Biblical sanctification is not a form of legalism, it is rather a separation from the world unto God for His service. It is with this understanding that Paul wrote the following passages: Colossians 2:19-23 “They are no longer part of Christ, who is the head of the whole body. Christ gives the body its strength,… Read More »
2020: The Year of Double
Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and King Jesus Christ! This is an exciting year and many things are happening in rapid succession beyond anything we have seen in many decades and in some instances things are a once in a lifetime occurrence like the Palindrome which happened on 02/02/2020. A Palindrome is… Read More »
The Significance of the Palindrome 02/02/2020
There is great significance regarding today, which is 02/02/2020!!! We are experiencing a Palindrome Today!!! May God grant you double favor, double blessings, double honor, double the manifestation of your prayers under an Open Heaven today. Dare to ask and it shall be given unto you. Isaiah 61:7, “Instead of your shame you will receive… Read More »